The Good Old Fashion milk, that you can find only in New Zealand.
New Zealand dairy cows may be among the happiest and healthiest in the world.
In some countries cows would never go onto grass at all, but New Zealand was one of two countries, alongside Ireland, where cows could be out in the paddocks all year round. Dairy NZ reminds farmers of the requirements for transporting cattle are the same whether the animals are going to slaughter or some other destination - all animals must be fit for the journey. The farm where Newlait is produced practices humane animal treatment making sure the cows are looked after and treated well.
Our factory is a fully independent milk company. The factory opened in June 2003 and is located on Marphona Farms, Mangatawhiri, South of Auckland. Marphona Farms holds AsureQuality Organic Certification. Marphona Farms was the first New Zealand Dairy farm to obtain a Registered Product Safety Programme (PSP) with New Zealand Food Safety Authority.
We use Pasteurization to provide fresh tasting milk that meets the requirements for consumer safety. Increase milk safety for the consumer by destroying disease causing pathogens that may be present in milk. And keep the quality of milk products by destroying spoilage microorganisms and enzymes that contribute to the reduced quality and shelf life of milk.